Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Ipod Evolution

IPod has been around for a while now, I am sure you are aware, but I know that the first six years ago was released? Well, first seen in 2001, is the appearance of small white wonder, and so far there are many different substitution. Check out this lesson of history and iPod facts.
ipod find that surprising: a generation - while potentially very efficient and effective at the time of the first generation of specifications i Pod their younger brothers sisters these days pale in comparison. 5 1000 1000 songs in your pocket & quot ;. Still, the iPod& 39;s own slogan and seemed popular enough Still, the iTunes software, Mac users miso available at the time. Apple has set a significant precedent with his little white box is, if they are saying that the case has expanded hours and that.
ipod: two generations - as is sometimes known as second-generation i-generation 1.5 Pod for the fact remained unchanged in the majority. The only real difference between these and the originals thumb scroll wheel is here to please refer to your notebook mousepads modern, but actually around the click wheel, as their platform, Currently supported by the PC and transfer music from any media. This will prove to be a major shot in the arm for the iPod as it opened a whole new market
ipod: three generations - This generation is the one i Pod vast majority of the responsibility for our is the culture of today& 39;s world. Sophisticated, third-generation PC support, and the first personal computer that allows access to before, more widely available USB cable, a FireWire interface instead of the previously used. Finally, the iPod is very common to be able to access, and without the need for specialist equipment and interfaces. It is also noteworthy that the third generation will be a truly massive storage to provide the first, weighing some 20 gb.
ipod: four generations - Apple this point seemed very aware but the market is the control point, and you may get from here we seemed to be a variation of the theme of a new iPod or every permutation, or a few months every year. The phrase & quot; 1000 songs in your pocket & quot; said, but it is far more accurate, the release of iPod mini, and later the iPod nano, the nano which is the absolute -- Tiny less than a quarter of an inch thick, but still boast a storage capacity of 2 gigabytes. How big is revolutionary, but also, it is also the first iPod to feature real calendar / address book, and play games while listening to music.
ipod: five generations of video i Pod generation -5 announced the arrival of the imagination to the very back of the store and play a high-quality video to go. Large screen and boasts a huge storage capacity of 30 gigabytes, the video is, indeed, somebody& 39;s going to go way beyond the hopes music.
ipod: This latest development iPod generation 6 in the chain of evolution, really The most impressive. IPod nano is the latest release by the four gigabyte storage capacity boast either or eight gigabytes, and less than one-quarter inches thick, 1 inch wide and a half and 2 inches tall, which is really phenomenal - especially if you take into account that small & 39; s iPod truly provide the first integrated video graphics standard to concentrate on playing games for the user. Marvel.
it like amazing technology development and the real issue is left can hear from here is going anywhere? IPod and iPod music downloading music for free legal melba jule

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Friday, March 14, 2008

XML Parser and Their Types

XML parser is a software module to read documents and a means to provide access to their content. XML parser generates a structured tree to return the results to the browser. An XML parser is similar to a processor that determines the structure and properties of the data. An XML parser can read a XML document to create an output to generate a display form. There are a number of parsers available and a few of them are listed below:

The Xerces Java Parser

The main applications of the Xerces Java parser is the building up of the XML-savvy web servers and to ensure the integrity of e-business data expressed in XML.

expat XML parser

The expat XML parser is written in C and runs on UNIX or W32.The expat XML parser is not a validating processor that is you can use it only to write an XML parser. This parser is contributed by James Clark.

XP and XT

XP is a Java based, XML validating parser and XT is an XSL processor. Both are written in Java.XP detects all non well formed documents. It gives high performance and aims to be the fastest conformant XML parser in Java. On the other hand XT is a set of tools for building program transformation systems. The tools include pretty printing; bundling of systems, tree transformation etc,


Simple API for XML (SAX) was developed by the members of a public mailing list (XML-DEV).It gives an event based approach to XML parsing. It means that instead of going from node to node, it goes from event to event. SAX is an event driven interface. Events include XML tag, detecting errors etc,

XML pull parser

It is optimal for applications that require fast and a small XML parser. It should be used when all the process has to be performed quickly and efficiently to input elements.

XML parser for Java

It runs on any platform where there is Java virtual machine. It is sometimes called XML4J.It has an interface which allows you to take a string of XML formatted text, pick the XML tags and use them to extract the tagged information.

Visit for a complete introduction to XML programming. Learn XML, DTD, Schema, XSLT, Soap and other related technologies. To access online version of the above article, go to

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How to Download Your Old Computer to the Highest Bidder

When you think trash, you surely don t think about your old, trusty personal computer. But that s exactly what will become of it when you make the inevitable move toward your next laptop or desktop. And, yes, buying a new computer is inevitable, considering the pace at which computer technology zips along. Just think about a handful of years ago, a fast microprocessor for a laptop was at 233 MHz. Now you re looking at about at least 2 GHz! That s Giga, with a G.
So eventually, you will want a computer that can handle the latest software, the latest games, and the latest interactive Web sites, and then you ll have to throw away your old computer, right? Wrong. Try selling your used computer instead. Throwing out your computer is one of the worst things you can do. For one, your computer may be useful for someone out there, even if just for scraps.
Trashed computers and other digital equipment also make up one of the fastest growing, and most dangerous, new trash categories out there in your neighborhood landfall. On one hand, computers are generally bulky and made of plastic and other materials that won t be breaking down in a landfill for the next few million years. What s more, other materials in your old computer are highly toxic to the environment, like mercury, lead and cadmium. They re so toxic that their actually name in the waste-management field is toxics.
You don t have to be a techie or a scientist to understand the danger in that nor the benefits of selling your computer. On the Internet, there are a vast number of auction and classifieds sites, some better than others, where you can download you computer to a worthy buyer.
Before you boot up your replacement laptop or high-performance PC, however, be sure you read and compute the following tips. These tips will help you avoid the crashes and shutdowns that befall the computer seller who doesn t do his homework first.
Hold onto all of the operating system and software manuals that came with your old computer. This will add value to your sale, not to mention it will make you a trusted seller for offering up these helpful books to the buyer.
Erase all personal information from the hard drive. And we re not just talking about simply putting stuff in the trash bin. It s extremely important to purge all data from your computer s memory repository, even from invisible backup files on the hard drive. If you re not sure how to do this, ask your IT expert at work or a techie friend for advice. You don t want the next user to have access to your bank accounts, old e-mails, and other private info, do you?
Uninstall any application from the hard drive that you d like to use on your next computer, keeping the installation disk and the software serial number for yourself. When it comes to software, the manufacturers made sure that you never really own software, you license it. So you don t get free reign to keep software on multiple computers. You only get one license, so you need to bring your licensed version with you to your new computer.
Do your homework on your computer s worth. Just like you would for a car, check around at other classifieds and auction sites to see what other people are selling your make and model for.
Be sure you want to truly get rid of old faithful. You may be able to repair your old laptop rather than buy a new $2,000 Centrino model. Or you may be able to add RAM memory and a new hard drive to your four-year-old desktop rather than invest in a new $3,000 multimedia masterpiece. In other words, do a thorough cost-analysis of what it would take to rebuild your old computer, versus what it would cost to sell it and buy a new one. And check your heart too. You might be surprised just how attached you are to your old faithful.
Once you go through these steps, you are prepared to make your move and sell, sell, sell. And then, of course, you ll be ready to start on a whole new list of steps for buying a new computer. But that s a topic for another article!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Use A Spam Filtering Tool To Manage Spam And Save Hours Everyday

For most of us, changing our primary email address to get rid of spam is not really an option. This is because our email addresses are known and used by many of our contacts and may also be printed on business cards and other material. We certainly don t move to a different residence because of some junk mail in our letter boxes. Luckily, there are some very effective ways to combat spam and one such was is using a Spam filtering tool.
The particular tool that I am referring to is called MailWasher. It is a tool that I cannot do without. I ve been using it for about 2 years now and my running totals shows that 72% of emails received are automatically deleted by Mailwasher. For more product information on Mailwasher, please visit:
Mailwasher is a piece of software that works at the source i.e. it connects directly to your inbox on the server and takes care of emails there. This is very different to using email filters in your email software for example Outlook or Thunderbird. The major difference is that Mailwasher wipes out emails on the email server so that you never have to download them. Having a filter in Outlook would mean that the email has to first be downloaded onto your computer and then examined and dealt with accordingly. For those messages spreading viruses, this could well pose a threat.
Mailwasher is easy to setup and takes a few minutes. There is a 30-day free trial of the software so that you can have ample time to decide if it is working for you. Initially, I started setting up my own spam filters and was having some success, but then I stumbled upon a link on the company s website that pointed to a link where an avid user was offering his filters for free. I downloaded those and installed them and have never look back. The amount of spam that was identified started to steadily increase until the 72% level that it is at today. This means that on average, 3 of every 10 eamils I receive are legitimate and are allowed through by Mailwasher. The rest are deleted at the source and I don t have to spend time downloading them. This is a big deal if you are using dialup access to the Internet.
There are many controls within the software. You can specify emails be deleted automatically without your knowledge or you could have the program mark them for deletion but let you glance at them just in case. This is useful initially until you get a good feel for it. There are many other options that fall in between these. The good thing is that they are all on one screen.
There is a concept of a blacklist and a whitelist. You can import all of your address book from Outlook with a couple of clicks and from other email programs as well. These go into what is called a whitelist. Mailwasher will allow all emails through that are on the whitelist. It will mark or automatically delete all those that are on the blacklist. Adding or removing someone from either list is a very simple point and click exercise.
Mailwasher also allows the setting up of legitimate filters. These are methods of specifying an email as legitimate. For example, if you identify all emails coming from your company domain name as being legitimate, then all messages from your coworkers will be allowed through without you having to specify each person. This is achieved using a wildcard setting such as "*". This can also be used to blacklist an entire domain such that all messages are immediately marked for deletion or automatically deleted depending on your settings.
MailWasher is an independent program and does not interfere with your email software. It sits in the system tray and does its work diligently. In my case, it checks my inbox every 10 minutes and does a cleanout. I have my email software setup to only retrieve messages when I instruct it to so that MailWasher has the most opportunity to do it s work.
Mailwasher also has more advanced controls, one of them being something known as "Origin of Spam". There are servers on the internet which list known spam addresses. When you receive a message from one of these addresses, it is automatically marked as spam and deleted without your filters even being invoked. This is a remarkable system and comes free with MailWasher. A whopping 14% of emails that I get are identified in this manner and automatically deleted.
MailWasher is an indispensable tool in my email arsenal. If spam is a problem for you, it could do likewise for you. Download your free trial today and use it for 30 days. If you like it, you only pay $37 which in my book is a small price to pay for so much time saved everyday.

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